Product / Prescription Medicines
MyRx Therapeutics is researching and developing prescription medicines from CBD and THC for a wide variety of medical conditions and diseases for which prescription Medical Marijuana has been approved in 33 states. We are pursuing product research for diseases of the central nervous system, Cancer, Inflammatory & Skin disorders, Pain and Analgesics, Sleep disturbance and Eating Disorders.
Product / Food Additives
With the legalization of the planting of hemp in the U.S. MyRx Therapeutics is developing a series of healthy drinks and food additives. Working with the Schools of Pharmacy and Nutrition at its' University partners, we are insuring that all of our products are safe and effective. We follow all FDA regulations and methods to insure that our products meet the most rigorous standards.
Product / Testing Services
Many corporations have announced their intention to develop CBD-based healthy food additives and nutritional drinks from the hemp plant. However, the FDA, DEA and NIDA consider CBD and THC to be drug ingredients. As such, the addition of CBD or THC to foods and drinks is illegal until proven safe. Claims of health benefit can not be made until efficacy has also been demonstrated.
MyRx Therapeutics provides companies with Contract Research Services. We have the ability to test products in development in our laboratories AND in human populations in our clinical trials research units. We also provide longitudinal surveillance services once products have been introduced to market to insure feedback after product launch.
Product / API's for Research
MyRx Therapeutics manufactures highly purified CBD from hemp and THC-A from cannabis grown under rigorously controlled GLP and GMP processes. Research universities and pharmaceutical companies who are licensed by the FDA, DEA and NIDA to perform research on substances derived from hemp and the cannabis plant are able to purchase our molecules for their own research studies. Contact Business Development for more information.
Since 1993
Insuring the Safety and Efficacy of Products Developed from Cannabis and Hemp
Almost daily, there are announcements from major corporations that they are exploring adding compounds extracted from hemp and marijuana to foods to foster a healthy lifestyle. While 33 states have now legalized medical marijuana for consumption and the U.S. Agricultural Department has legalized the growing of hemp in all 50 states, the FDA, DEA and NIDA all consider CBD and THC, extracted from these plants to be drug ingredients whose safety is UNPROVEN.
MyRx Therapeutics is a pharmaceutical drug company that is dedicated to testing the safety, efficacy, bioavailability, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic performance of the 113 molecules found in the plants.
In collaboration with the its' University Partners, MyRx Therapeutics employs the world's most advanced and fully automated basic, translational, clinical and outcomes research platform for the conduct of bench to bedside placebo-based randomized clinical trials and the development of proven safe medicines for human and animal consumption.
In addition to the development and sale of prescription drugs and veterinary medicines, MyRx offers contract laboratory and clinical testing services for companies that are exploring the safety and efficacy of CBD-based food additives in their products. MyRx also sells GLP and GMP Approved Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API's) to licensed academic and industry researchers.
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